Dating After Divorce

Dating again but as a divorced single mom of four was definitely one of the most unique experiences of my life.
I have learned about more boundaries, red/yellow/green flags, deal breakers, love bombing, direct communication, attachment styles and how to have the courage to walk away from something that wasn’t right for me.
I have learned about relational trauma and retrusting myself and my feelings again.
I have met and learned so much about incredible people I would never have met otherwise.
I have learned valuable life lessons and had unforgettable experiences. I
know I am capable of trusting, loving, communicating and being loved by someone that also fights for me. And what a difference in a relationship that really is that now I get to feel, see and know.
Divorce is not the dead end I once felt of being disposable and a failure. Instead it has provided a beautiful unknown path that as I have uncovered the debris while moving forward I slowly have been able to see where my journey is taking me. I’m able to reflect back that my life is even better than before. There is still difficulty and hurt but my life is so much fuller. I get a lens with a greater appreciation of how someone has deliberately chosen to live every single day.
Are you newly divorced and looking to understand how to navigate this next stage of life?
I would love to help you find hope and peace in your mind and healing.
Click in the link in bio to schedule a free 25 min Zoom call or email me at to make an appointment. 🦋
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