A Bigger Heart

One of the benefits of going through hard things in my life is that each time my heart got A LOT bigger.
I feel more empathy, understanding, sympathy, love, heartache and a desire to help in whatever capacity someone else needs especially where I personally had to grow through similar suffering.
I now know when someone seems “off”, responds snappy, retreats and seems distant or distracted that there is usually something else going on because I have been there.
I recently was listening to a group of amazing and loving women trying to understand another woman that wasn’t there. They mentioned all these signs of how she seemed different but took it personally instead of realizing it had nothing to do with them. Privately knowing the life she has been surviving silently the last few years because she had confided in me I offered a suggestion to these very capable women. I said, “Maybe she just needs a big hug!” I know these women would be mortified if they knew her truth and stood away because they are the ones that are first to help.
We can still serve even when we don’t know the whole story. For me those were the biggest answers to prayers to see God in my life because I knew they didn’t know but He did!
May we take our trials and use them as an opportunity instead to sense others and not shy away from their pain.
Everyone has stuff! Everyone needs a friend to sit with them in it in varying ways. Sometimes we may not ever even know what it is but how easy is it to text, call, write a note, hug or smile at someone for absolutely no reason at all other than they came to mind or something didn’t quite seem right.
Who needs you in their life today? What trauma have you been through that helps you link arms with those just behind you?
#empathy #sympathy #healing #service #love #trauma #betrayaltrauma #hope #divorce #addiction