A Secret Sexual Life

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SO much of my life finally made sense to my therapist and me after his truth came out about his double life. All that he was giving financially, emotionally, physically and sexually absolutely took away from our family. Now with clearer information the pieces came together quickly.
One of the many layers in healing from betrayal trauma is the hurtful recognition that the person who is telling you they love you is also the person deliberately hurting you in very destructive ways behind your back. It leads one to wonder if the life you believed you were living together was just a cover to help hide the secret life.
All those answers came to me painfully through our divorce process and all that’s happened since.
I can now value the perspective I have to know how it’s better this way for both of us because we get to live true to who we are.
I am so thankful to now know the stark difference of being married to Mark and how it feels to really be chosen in all the ways everyday. I will admit, it is sometimes triggering too. I made allowances because I trusted someone that I should have been able to trust because he was my husband but he really hadn’t earned it.
How have you released the responsibility of his actions that affected your relationship in a negative way?