Blame Shifting

Shortly after my big D-day, more blame shifting came from him big time!
He preceded to tell me different ways he was justified in spending insane amounts of money on girls because of things I had done, what I was or wasn’t. He told me how people didn’t like me because I was so mean and difficult to be around.
I remember never really feeling like this but because he was the one person I confided in the very most and trusted I questioned my truth.
So I turned to those family and friends like sisters that would tell me straight to my face to give me some answers with evidence.
What I recognized quickly was how loved I actually was and am. So many of my relationships have lasted since I was 3 years old or even kindergarten. They didn’t happen by chance but because I love people! I have chosen to stay connected and nurture relationships in my life. I have so many great memories in all stages that are separate to him because of the efforts that I made.
And when things got really tough, so many were there for me and my boys. In text, gifts, treats, meals, prayers, visits, lunches, hugs, rides, phone calls, taking Christmas lights down, cleaning gutters, Facebook messages and even a couch to nap on. The list really goes on and on and I will never be able to pay back all the service that was given to us.
Looking at this picture from a few years ago where my birthday was celebrated I recall feeling so loved. I valued more than ever the people I had met over the years that were still in my life. I still cherish our memories and that our paths had crossed. I love all the new people that are in my journey as well as a result of my divorce. I can’t imagine my life without them.
I was sad for him that he had invested so much time and energy in girls that were paid because when the money stopped flowing and life circumstances changed they were nowhere to be found. Most didn’t even know his real name or story, nor did they really care to find out.
My heart is full from being so blessed. I am not perfect but I have years of reinforcements of the person I have fought to be and what I stand for. I am reminded of who I have always been and who I am.
Thank YOU for being in my life! ❤️