03DecBeauty, Best Quotes, Betrayal Trauma, D-Day, Divorce, Emotional Abuse, Gratitude, Grief, Helpful Resources, I Believe In God, PTSD, TriggersBuffalo CheckI love Christmas and because of the truth of this time last year and the
28NovBest Quotes, Betrayal Trauma, I Believe In GodGratitudeJust after the discovery my youngest child would ask me “If you could go back
26NovBeauty, Best Quotes, Betrayal Trauma, Divorce, Emotional Abuse, Gratitude, Helpful Resources, I Believe In God, Self Care, TrustMy PathMy path this last few years has taken a lot of new twists and turns.
22NovAnti-Porn, Beauty, Betrayal Trauma, Divorce, Emotional Abuse, Helpful Resources, Life Coach#NoPornovemberSo proud to be a part of #RepTheMovement as I support @fightthenewdrug in #NoPornovember. https://fightthenewdrug.org/
20NovBeauty, Best Quotes, Betrayal Trauma, Gratitude, Grief, Helpful Resources, I Believe In God, Inspirational ArtworkShe Held the World(Artwork from http://caitlinconnolly.com “Her Arms Grew Tired as she Held the World in its Place)
13NovBest Quotes, Betrayal Trauma, Book Club, Boundaries, Forgiveness, Grief, Helpful Resources, I Believe In God, Inspirational Artwork, Self CareRENEWING AND RELEASING THE RELATIONSHIP(Artwork by Banksy “Girl With the Red Balloon.” Photo taken from Art.com) The last part
04NovBest Quotes, Book Club, Boundaries, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Grief, Helpful Resources, I Believe In GodGRANT FORGIVENESSThe Third Element in the Four Fold Path is Granting Forgiveness. We choose to forgive
28OctBook Club, Boundaries, Emotional Abuse, Forgiveness, Grief, Helpful ResourcesNAME YOUR HURTPart Two of the Four Fold Path is Naming the Hurt. I have had it
16OctBest Quotes, Betrayal Trauma, Book Club, Forgiveness, Helpful Resources, I Believe In God, Self CareTELL YOUR STORYOne of the Four Fold Path is to tell you story and speak out the
14OctBetrayal Trauma, Book Club, Forgiveness, Helpful Resources, I Believe In God“The Book of Forgiving: The Four Fold Path”(Photo taken from amazon.com) I have really been processing forgiveness and the best way to