Book Club: “Atomic Habits”

My July Book Club recommendation is “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. I was recommended this book from a dear friend of mine that I admire so much.
This book can be extremely triggering when you have someone in your life that made or makes continuous “bad choices” in decisive moments that lead to a destructive future self. While reading it was hard for me to not feel hurt knowing all the many choices he made over time to shape the life and person he is and has become that effected my family and me. But I also know everyone has free agency in life. And I still have a choice how I want to live and what or who I choose everyday.
Once I proactively decided to put him on a shelf and focus solely on myself, I saw clearly what habits and choices I have made and continue to pick that make me who I am. I am definitely not perfect but I am very proud looking back at the consistency of who I have chosen to be and what I have fought for every day of my life.
I love how this book talks about the importance of self discipline and changing our mindset of especially how we talk about and see ourselves. In helping others, self discipline is one of the most important principles we work on. Self control is the spring board and motivator in creating s keeping god habits.
I love the story of the British Cycling and how making small minute changes everyday completely changed the trajectory and outcome for for the team that made history. It is motivational and inspirational.
What tiny habits can you make on a daily basis that with frequency and consistency can change the course of your future self?
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