Book Club: “Insights From A Prophet’s Life”

My October Book Club recommendation is “Insights From a Prophet’s Life- Russell M. Nelson by Sheri Dew.
A dear friend gave me this book and I love so much of what it represents to me.
Often in our heartaches it can seem as though we are the only person going through difficulty and it can be a very lonely place. In my experience it felt as though other peoples lives seemed so perfect especially behind a social media post while my life seemed to be falling apart. But in time and as others came forward with empathy and support, they also shared the difficulties they had experienced behind closed doors.
In helping others I know that everyone has their challenges they have endured or will encounter sometime in their life.
Russell M. Nelson has also not been exempt from a perfect life that fits the ideal or mold. Yet everything in his life has helped shape him to become all that he has always been meant to be. A life free from opposition would have robbed him of the person he is today. No one is free from it in this lifetime, even Russell M. Nelson.
He has experienced success in his career and a loss of his beloved wife. He has experienced finding new love while also losing two of his daughters. He has sacrificed his career for his service and devotion to God. All that has happened in his life is not by coincidence. And in this book I am also reminded just how aware God is of each of us individually. He has a plan for each of us and will continue to put opportunities in our way to help shape us into what we are ultimately supposed to become.
What challenge has happened in your life that now with time and perspective you are able to see it differently or it’s blessings?
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