Book Club: “Reaching for the Savior”

My Book Club recommendation for December is “Reaching for the Savior” by Reyna I. Aburto.
I love her realistic perspective and vulnerability in sharing the highs and lows of life. Her story is relatable to so many, including myself. I love that we are living our Plan A, even with the heartaches.
Some of my favorite parts are when she says, “ I testify that we are daughters and sons of heavenly parents, and, as such, each of us has a divine nature and destiny. I testify that our Father in Heaven loves us, and that He is mindful of us. He knows our heart and He is willing to bless us so we can return to his presence.”
“I know that sometimes things happen in our life over which we do not have control. Other people make decisions that may hurt us. We have longings, we have questions, things happen to us that do not seem to have a reason. But if we listen to the Lord, He will “speak peace to our souls…(and) cause us that we should hope for our deliverance in him” (Alma 58:11). If we are patient, if we put our trust on our Savior, if we wait on his timing, and we try to follow his commandments, answers will come one day, and we will finally have the piece that we are looking for.”
“We all go through hard times, we all have tribulation in our life, we are all in need of healing, and we are all in need of redeeming grace. Part of our mortal existence is to go through trials, big and small, at different times of our life, but heavenly father will “consecrate our afflictions for (our) gain. (2 Nephi 2:2) Those times make us stronger and allow us to be sensitive to others.”
“If you are going through a hard time in your life, please do not give up, please keep trying, please keep reaching to the Savior so He can heal you. I know that we can all be healed by the soothing balm, that our Master Healer, Jesus Christ, offers us, and His infinite and perfect love.”
Happy Holidays!