Book Club: “Unbroken”

My Book Club recommendation for October is “Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption” by Lauren Hillenbrand.
I originally read this book in 2010 when it was published. I loved it then and it has continued to be one of my favorite books. Now I also see the similarities of betrayal trauma and the loss of so many ideals and what we are physically and mentally capable of doing in survival mode.
Also the effects of triggers and PTSD symptoms that at times are resented because of feeling the abuser still has control of our subconscious to effect our knee jerk reactions still years later.
Louis Zamperini found his passion and talent in running that landed him at the Berlin Olympics. But when WWII began his life journey was altered as he endured situations almost uncomprehendable like many others in their journey through WWII. While on the raft for 24 days he had made a deal with God that he was able to keep later in his return home to the United States after the war was over. Even though his own personal war was just beginning.
I love how this story shares heartache and devastation while ending with his ability to forgive and make peace with those abusers that harmed him. When his main tormenter, “The Bird”, refused to meet him he was able to still send a letter expressing his forgiveness.
I personally can’t imagine all that he and all those effected by the war really went through. I do love their example of helping me know that really hard things can be overcome. I once believed that certain things would never happen to me but I have learned that we are all susceptible to heartache, death and a loss of ideals in this life. This book is a great reminder to me that we should all throw out “the mold” of perfection that nobody is actually able to fit or obtain.
You can purchase a paperback on Amazon for $11.37. I also love that they offer a Young Adult Adaptation as well.
Marni Bown @marnibown #unbroken #louiszamperini #laurahillenbrand #betrayaltrauma #betrayaltraumarecovery #ptsd #ww2 #survivor #addiction #divorce #addictionrecovery #pornkillslove