
I recently had the opportunity to hike in the Grand Canyon with my kids. In this moment that the picture was captured I was taking in the beauty and amazement of Gods creation in front of me. I closed my eyes for a short time and when I reopened them I felt I was standing there with no beam to protect me and it literally took my breath away. I gasped for a split second at the thought of me not being safe standing on the ledge.
I have since been reflecting on my new life and the freedoms I feel from setting boundaries. Some of my boundaries are outwardly expressed or seen and others are in my mind alone. Either way it is when I started understanding how important boundaries were to protect myself is when I was able to really start a process to independently heal.
One of the first boundaries I knew I had to set was finding safety immediately. It is crazy to think how scary this first step was because I feared the possible repercussions and consequences. I had not ever set a boundary in my marriage and rarely in my life before so it felt so uncomfortable at first. But it didn’t take long to feel the peace, clarity and empowerment it quickly offered me.
Now I know that setting boundaries has been one of the most loving things I’ve done for myself when it’s done right. Boundaries can be flexible to fit the right situation. The key is holding strong to the boundaries created and following through with the consequences associated with it.
Heavenly Father does the same thing with me and for me. On a higher level there are Gods laws to abide and when we are obedient we are blessed. But even God has to stand by His laws and hold us accountable when we also break them.
I love Vicki Tidwell Palmer at and her resources in Mastering the Art of Setting Boundaries. She is “the creator of the 5-Step Boundary Solution process for identifying, creating, and maintaining effective personal and relationship boundaries.”
What new boundaries have you set in your life? I believe everyone should have atleast some boundaries.
#beyondbitchy #boundaries #healthyboundaries #betrayaltraumarecovery #betrayaltrauma #divorce #addiction #grandcanyo