“Broken and Beautiful”

I recently heard Calee Reed speak at Time Out For Women. As she shared I felt like she was almost telling my story. I was introduced to Kintsugi after the truth came out and my life was falling apart. She was once she started sharing her experiences.
A dear friend brought a Kintsugi bowl by in the early stages of divorce and it resonated so strongly with me. It sat on my mantle and represented a little bit of hope as I tried to believe I wasn’t completely broken or beyond repair.
Seeing Calee’s video and song “Broken and Beautiful” recently brought me to tears because it visually displayed how I saw myself in the moments after my first big discovery day. My life and everything I knew it to be was literally shattered on the floor in front of me and I was trying to make sense of what was true or real.
I wanted to share this song and video for anyone that needs to hear it today.
I also want you to know that even trials have an expiration date. That there was a time I was in a space of feeling so broken and disposable. Although it sneaks into my mind now and then, I have the tools to no longer take ownership of his choices anymore.
With hard work, time, patience and healing I have been slowly put back together. And in many ways I am the younger version of myself before I met him. I am definitely not the same person but most of what I learned is so valuable, I would do it all over again.
Have you experienced betrayal trauma in your life?
I would love to be a safe sounding board for you because I can relate and you are not alone.
Click in the link to schedule a free 25 min Zoom call.
Thank you @caleereed for sharing your talents and heartaches with us in a way we can be validated and heal.