27OctBook Club: “Unbroken”My Book Club recommendation for October is “Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival,
30SepBook Club: “Like Dragons Did They Fight”My September Book Club recommendation is “Like Dragons Did They Fight: The Sons of Helaman
23AugBook Club: “Strengthfinder 2.0”My August Book Club recommendation is “Strengthfinder 2.0” from Gallup and Tom Rath. It’s about
20JulBook Club: “Mindful Games”My July Book Club recommendation is “Mindful Games” by Susan Kaiser Greenland. A dear friend
17JunBook Club: “My Story” My Book Club recommendation for June is “My Story” by @elizabeth_smart_official. I was given her
20MayBook Club: “Carried” My Book Club recommendation for May is “Carried” by Michelle Schmidt and Angie Taylor.I specifically