08SepMy Podcast for the Cultural HallI am so proud of my first podcast interview because I feel it shares my
22AugThe One Starfish(Picture taken by Chris Murphy found at https://eventsforchange.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/starfish-3.jpg) My dear friend gave me a starfish
19AugLIFITNGLIFTING: in the Abandonment Grief Cycle. Your anger likely helped to externalize your pain. Gradually,
17AugINTERNALIZATIONINTERNALIZATION: in Abandonment Grief Cycle is you internalize the rejection and experience injury to your
16AugWITHDRAWLWITHDRAWAL: in the Abandonment Grief Cycle. Love-withdrawal is just like heroin withdrawal—each involves the body’s