Cheers to 2023!

2022 began with a lot of unknowns but optimism for amazing.
This year a lot happened and it seems like the building blocks I had created through my healing journey became a stack of stepping stones that catapulted me forward into a new unknown that is absolutely wonderful.
This year my oldest son got married. What a special experience that has been. I love seeing how God has been aware of him in his whole life and his new wife too. They are the perfect pair.
This year I also got married. So many pieces had to fall into place to make it happen and I am again thankful for God being so mindful and aware of us in the process. It’s miraculous and special how it all came together.
I am so blessed to have gained five more children and a new daughter-in-law, making us an even dozen.
I love Life Coaching and all those I work with. I have loved and felt blessed with the additional speaking and teaching opportunities I have had as well. I already have things lined up for the next year that I’m hyped about.
My prayer list is long but I love it. I have always felt for people and know that even when I want to take hurt away that it is only God that can make a difference. That my prayers and fasting is a small sacrifice I can make.
Thank you all for your love and support. My family has been the recipient of a lot of prayers and service. It’s great to feel like I am back on the side of giving back more again.
I am looking forward to 2023 and what it will bring. I know that we can really FLY (First Love Yourself).
Cheers to 2023!! May it be your best one yet!
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