Childs Prayer

I recently was having one of my hardest days in awhile. I feel I have been blessed to see God in my life despite any heartache or what felt too much to bear for my kids and me. But I was feeling like God was not aware of me and I was so overwhelmed with discouragement. I was praying asking the “why” and to take away my hurt. It almost seemed too much for me to handle. Then I was reminded after hearing the words to the song “Child’s Prayer” of my first memory of having a prayer answered.
I was 8 years old and my little soccer team not only had lost every game but we never even scored one goal. It was our last game and I got on my knees and prayed aloud, “Please Heavenly Father. We don’t even have to win but can we please score atleast one goal!” My mom overheard my prayer and also extended a mother’s sincere prayer that my prayer would be answered. And sure enough…we didn’t win the game but we got our one and only goal! I remember who scored, where I was when it happened and how I felt that my prayer had been heard and God knew me. Looking back how simple but He knew that was so important to me. And my mom was emotional too feeling her prayer was answered just hoping mine would be heard.
I know Joseph Smith felt abandoned in Liberty Jail, Christ felt despair on the cross and I can only imagine the prayer that came from Mary as she watched her son be hurt and die. I know God can’t stop free agency from hurting us. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 We are going to hurt but we are never alone. I pray we can all trust even when we don’t understand. It’s okay to hope this is true…maybe even believe that it is true. But I was reminded again to know for myself this is true. My friend sent me “You will one day stand aside and look at your difficult times, and you will realize that He was always there beside you.” Thomas S. Monson
My little prayer was heard at 8 the same as my mother’s prayers are today because I am always His child. I am never alone. When I struggle with trusting because of betrayal I know I can always trust in God.

(Picture and lyrics from