Christmas Lights

Christmas lights have always been one of my favorite Christmas traditions. Even as a little girl I loved the colored lights capped with snow on the house brimming in through my bedroom window at night. I used to sit in a rocking chair in the living room with just the Christmas tree lights on to soak in the peace I felt from the dimmed room sparkling with beauty. I have carried that into my adult life as well and still love the lights on in the darkness of the night because to me it is still so magical.
When I found his work phone on Christmas morning it introduced a trail of darkness I felt and began to understand really existed. I knew the adversary was real but never before in my life had I known how real Satan actually was. It scared me and made me doubt there was enough goodness to fight off all the evil I now understood.
Luckily it didn’t take long through the numbness to also feel the overwhelming goodness I felt in God and His light. No matter how dark it is there is always light and I can’t help but be drawn to its grandeur.
My cute neighbor had each of us decorate our stairs and street with white sacks giving off candle light. That combined with the festive lights on the homes gave the whole street and evening a symbol of hope. And that the reason we see so many lights at Christmas is to be reminded of the star in Bethlehem that was proof Christ lives!
Today is also the day of the rare Christmas Star or the Star of Bethlehem. Holidays are difficult for most, especially in the singles world, but for me it was my biggest D-day as well. I love finding ways to replace the negative with new beginnings. 2020 already has been a crazy one for everyone and what a blessing to end the year with a vibrant planetary conjunction to remind us that God is aware. He is there for us and when we really look for Him we will always find Him. We are never alone because Christ lived and died for each one of us.
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