Dating After Divorce

Has dating again post divorce been triggering? If so, I can totally relate.
I was coached that dating apps was a good beginning. It was immediately triggering because he would shop for women on adult sites swiping the same way. I know physical attraction is important but that was certainly the first hurdle I faced.
I also didn’t know if I could ever be physically attracted to anyone other than my husband. I had found “the love of my life” and had no desire to look elsewhere yet he had been for years.
Being on dates was painful because I knew he had been talking, texting, courting, flirting, meeting and engaging in a physical, emotion and sexual relationship with girls and then would come home to me, his wife. I could not relate or understand at all because I had a hard time accepting and separating from the guilt of just being on a date in public and I was legally a single woman.
If you are struggling working through this new time, I can totally relate. There is a process of change.
I would love to help because I absolutely have been there and understand.
Click on the link to schedule a free 25 min Zoom call to make an appointment. You can also visit or email me at if one of the times listed doesn’t work for you.
You are not alone!