Divorce is not a dead end
At the recent WORTH Retreat I taught a class on “Finding Hope in Divorce: A Brand New Beginning.”
The top 5 reasons for divorce are:
Infidelity (Cheating on your spouse not only breaks a vow-it breaks the trust in a relationship)
Lack of intimacy
Most of us had experienced every single one of these in our marriages yet we still fought for our partner. And divorce was a forced choice where we felt disposable, worthless and even a failure.
Divorce for me brought grief, abandonment, loss of ideals, tears, exhaustion, nightmares, therapy, PTSD symptoms, betrayal trauma, so many knots in my stomach and a broken heart from the 21 years I was married to someone I didn’t really know.
What a blessing divorce has been as it has unveiled a bright path with healing and opportunity.
I have learned that it is the hardest times in my life that has made me stronger. I have had to be more dependent on God and am closer to Him because of it.
Being divorced I am faced with so many new situations and I have had to be patient with myself as I am still learning.
I was recently reminded from a dear friend that told me as my divorce was final that one day I would look back and be thankful he didn’t choose me and walked away. I couldn’t even imagine it then because my life looked like the edge of a cliff.
It didn’t take long once he was gone and I could see clearer and relearn who I really am without his gaslighting that divorce has been one of the greatest blessings of my life.
Divorce is not a dead end but instead a detour.
What new opportunities has divorce brought for you?
I wouldn’t be Life Coach if it weren’t for divorce.
I would love to help you see your new path.