“Eight Dates” Book Club

My October Book Club recommendation is “Eight Dates” by John Gottman, PhD, Julie Schwartz Gottman, PhD, Doug Abrams, and Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD.
I find myself recommending this book a lot lately. I think we all need more communication and more dates!
I love the @gottmaninstitute.
This book helps encourage and suggest different ways for conversation, learning and listening.
Here are the Eight Date topics and activity suggestions:
1. Lean on Me: trust and commitment.
2. Agree to Disagree: addressing conflict.
3. Let’s Get it On: sex and intimacy.
4. The Cost of Love: work and money.
5. Room to Grow: family.
6. Play with Me: fun and adventure.
7. Something to Believe In: growth and spirituality.
8. A Lifetime of Love: dreams.
I love the reminder to always keep dating the one you love.
What’s your favorite date ideas?