
I love supporting #nopornnovember with #fightthenewdrug. I love the resources they offer at fightthenewdrug.org including their 3 part series called “Brain, Heart, World.” Check it out at brainheartworld.org. There you learn how porn effects our brain, our ability to emotionally connect and the destructive uses including sex trafficking.
Recently Elder Jeffrey R. Holland from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints spoke at the #ucap conference in St. George, Utah. He compares pornography to COVID-19 and how it is “a public health crisis; like an infectious, fatal epidemic; like a moral plague on the body politic that is maiming the lives of our citizens.” Hear the whole talk at Utahcoalition.org under 2020 UCAP St. George rally.
Love someone for real today!!!
Marni Bown @marnibown #pornkillslove #addiction #pornaddictionisreal #sexaddictionrecovery #fighthenewdrug #brainheartworld #divorce #betrayaltrauma #betrayaltraumarecovery #betrayaltraumasurvivor #emotionalabuse #emotionalabusesurvivor #pornisadrug #pornisabuse