God Is Aware of YOU

I love this post from Hank Smith.
“The most heartbreaking times can be like forest fires which cleanse us & clear out unhealthy debris. Then regrowth & new life come a little at a time.
If you are currently in pain, please don’t give up on God. You are not forgotten. Trust Christ & believe good days are ahead. The large rocks the Lord gives us to carry often become stepping stones to cross the future river. The heavy beams of what the Lord puts on our shoulders will be useful when we have to cross canyons ahead of us. We build strength carrying these burdens. Strength to fight uphill battles He sees coming. Keep going. Keep trusting His plan for you.”
I am a witness of the truth in his statements and they have applied directly in my life.
I’m thankful for the hard fought uphill battles that give me a new and fresh perspective from the top. Turning hardships over to the Lord has been one of the toughest things I’ve done but I have had to exercise faith in Him that He knew where I could go and what I could become through Him.
I have so much gratitude because of the heavy, the fight, the unfairness, the betrayals, the tears, the exhaustion and the near loss of hope.
Now I stand firm with gratitude in the blessings I see in my new daily growth and life. I love where I am at with the transformation of who I’ve become because of of the back-breaking grind. I love valuing so much more in Mark, family, and friends because of enduring what I have.
Keep pushing, keep hoping, keep praying and keep stepping one foot in front of the other to keep climbing! Have the courage to ask God what it is you need help with in your life.
I promise, He will not give up on you, He will help you, He knows you by name, He loves you and knows what is best for you too.
What gives you hope that God is there?