Gods Presence In The Hospitals

I had a special experience while my son was at the hospital when he was young.
He had been lethargic with a high fever and couldn’t walk. His doctor sent us for an ultrasound and without notice or preparation we were asked to stay.
As the days passed and they still didn’t know definitively what was going on, our routine became many walks to see Spider Man and Super Man while I pulled him in a wagon with his IV pole. We would visit the playhouse with all the other sick kids and their exhausted parent.
In there the walls were covered with artwork from patients and siblings hoping they would get better and expressions of gratitude for the staff.
The first question asked was “How many times have you been here?” For me this was my first but my heart broke to know that for most it wouldn’t be their last. Each adult that accompanied a patient had to choose each day while the child was asleep if they would sleep, shower, make a phone call or eat because most kids were fasting and as a parent you wouldn’t eat in front of them. No matter what anyone believed, we all left every conversation with “We will pray for you and hope to never see you again!”
At the end of the week with a diagnosis, an emergency surgery, interviews with many doctors, surgeons and people from infectious diseases I was so personally depleted.
A newsletter stated that they would be holding church on Sunday. The idea of adult interaction, an opportunity to get out and try to feel the Spirit was just what I needed.
I showed up in the oversized gray sweats and flip flops the hospital provided me with and my son that was snuggled in the wagon with his blanket. I was so drained physically, emotionally and spiritually.
My whole body was filled with an enormous amount of awareness and sensitivity including feeling an overwhelming warmth of love from my Savior, Jesus Christ. His presence was undoubtedly present and His empathy and attendance enveloped the entire room so thick you felt you could almost touch it.
Christ spends his time in hospitals with the sick and to assist those helping. Angels on the other side are present extending support and comfort. Strength is given to those in need from prayers offered from others. I am thankful for the hard experiences in my life because I have been the recipient of others prayers and service which has helped me feel God and angels more present in my life in a way that I can never doubt He is ever there.
Who can you pray for today? What person can you show up to help add positivity in their life? What experiences have you had where you have felt the prayers of others? How do you recognize God in your life?
#god #angels #hope