My Book Club recommendation for January is “GRACE where you are” by Emily Belle Freeman.

I love how she helps me understand Christ, believe in Christ, and validate being able to come unto Christ broken.

I know in my life hope has been a massive springboard for me to be able to accomplish, do, and be things I never thought possible. I love that regardless of what I can do that God offers me grace.

My favorite quote is when Paul says, “By the grace of God I am what I am” (1 Corinthians 15:10.)

Emily then says, “By His grace. The grace that elevates souls, and heals wounds.

The grace that meets us where we are.

Come broken, my friend, but then hold onto His grace. Cling to it. Receive it into your heart and let it wash over you and make you whole. It is His gift.

Live in grace. The Lord will take you to places you could never go on your own.”

How have you seen Gods grace in your life?
