Happy 2024!

Happy 2024!!
I love the new year and the natural milestones I am reminded to celebrate.
I have been to Las Vegas 7 times over this last plus year with Mark, our kids, my dad and brother and friends. Growing up it was a place we’d go often to visit family and stay on our way to California. I have so many fond memories of good times spent there throughout my life.
5 years ago my life fell apart when I discovered my husband of 21 years was living a double life. One of the places he thrived in his other existence was Las Vegas.
Working through our financials with my accountant took me down a morbid timeline of his duplicitous life. That coupled with other deceptive evidences brought a lot of confusion that ultimately led to a forced divorce.
I had been so sick of avoiding things because of the triggers of memories attached to his choices and the reminder of how horrible they were to us. It was taking away from how I genuinely wanted to live my life. Las Vegas had been a positive part of my life way before I met him and I wanted to take it back.
So, I have been very deliberate the last 3 years in replacing my triggers of his way of living with how I live my life. This last year provided multiple opportunities to restore and make good memories with safe people. I no longer see specific types of women in places and wonder if she knew my ex-husband. That, along with so many other behaviors, actions and places have disappeared.
Instead, I walk hand in hand with Mark into a beautiful hotel and enjoy an experience with our amazing family of something special.
I love that my family found me a mosaic butterfly that means more to me than they will ever know in that moment. It was a God given sign reminding me of the rebirth and growth in my fight through difficulty to become what He has wanted me to be. I love that this is what I choose and where I get to be. I am so blessed.
What triggers did you replace this last year? What do you want to take back?
Cheers to 2024 and may it be your best year yet!