Happy Mother’s Day

My dear friend that passed away sent me this painting “In Her Image” by Amber Eldredge.
I remember when I started focusing and trying to learn more about my Heavenly Mother. I know I have godly gifts and talents that also come from Her. I have at times felt the need to even speak to her through prayer because of what I was feeling at the time. So when I read what is said about this painting I get emotional because it resonates with how I also feel so deeply in my soul.
“You began with Her. You are a reflection of Her- handmade and carefully, precisely composed.
Your hair, your eyes, your skin, your soul: it all began with Her. You are created out of all the good that She is and She placed in you the same goodness, to remind you of Home. To remind you of Her.
She breathed Her empathy, patience, gentleness into your heart. She crafted Her intellect, creativity, and wondering into your mind. She shaped curves, bones, softness, and strength and gently put them in place. Every inch of you is a painting of Her. She lives in your heart, your mind your curves and strength and softness. She quietly watches as you learn and lift and serve. She quietly listens to your questions, searching and longing. She hold you and rocks you through your struggles and morning and prayers. You begin with Her. And she continues with you.”
I am so thankful for all the women in my life!! Throughout my journey I have collected relationships old and young that have forever impacted me. Some I still stay in touch with, some I don’t and others I still have yet to meet. The impact is similar because together we help each other grow to be more like our Heavenly Mother also. When we serve, help, cry and listen to those around us we are acting also in Her name and we bond because we are all children of an amazing Mother.
I could not live without my tribe. I am thankful for the knowledge I have about my godly ancestry and I know that my Heavenly Mother does mourn and comfort me through my struggles in the earthly life as well.
She is with me…she is with you!!!
Happy Mother’s Day!