Holocaust Jesus

I recently had a client share with me this painting “Holocaust Jesus” by Glenn Beck and I absolutely love it!
It was not what I had imagined it would be because I envisioned it by the title as Christ sitting with those suffering. Message from the artist
“You can look in a lot of places. But I am always in the center of every place you do not want to look. I am always in the center of the darkest places, because I am always comforting those in those places. I am with them. You can turn your face away from suffering, but you won’t find me there. You will find me in the suffering.”
“I tried to bring what the Lord told me to life on the canvas. This painting pictures Christ if he had lived in Nazi Germany. He would likely have been in a concentration camp—as He would have wanted to. He delights in comforting those in the deepest suffering.
His prison uniform features the letters, “TCXC,” which are the Greek letters for “Jesus Christ.
Through post D-day and my process of divorce, I learned about and felt some of the darkest spaces I have ever felt. I kind of knew they existed but in reality I had absolutely no idea. Since then, I have worked very hard to study and understand light and how it exists in and around us.
I believe that although Christ is Light, He really is with all of us…even in our darkest hours. He is the warmth, hope, mercy, grace, compassion and empathy when all else seems lost.
Here is the link to his artwork:
How have you felt Christ in some of your darkest times?