I Am Thankful For My New Path

Almost 4 years ago my life was changed forever in the way I saw my spouse, my marriage, myself, my life, my children, my friends, my family, my future, my religion and God. For the first time in my life I wasn’t sure what was true, real, or where I was going. I spent a lot of time over processing, rethinking, questioning and crying while I was barely surviving. The truth was practically unbearable but I had to accept my new reality to be able to rationally force a foot in front of me to move forward. I never believed I would ever need to seek safety from the person I had been married to for 21 years. Now knowing he didn’t choose, protect, care about or love me was painful but it was the motivation I needed to move on.
My new path once seemed scary and unknown and at times I wanted my old life back because I felt like I knew what to expect. But the reality was my old life also wasn’t what I really thought it was and I mourned that loss as well.
Now on a day of gratitude I am genuinely thankful for all that I went through. I would go through it all again a million times to get me where I am today. I love my new life and my return to my old self. I love seeing myself through my lens and not his. I love recognizing the courage and strength I have had to find in the midst of doing different hard things. I love having a strong foundation of truth and valuing the good in so many people around me. I love seeing God in my life through the many angels in my life. I have witnessed many tender mercies along the way.
I love my husband and that he chooses me everyday. I love our family and our life. I love that all hope is restored and the losses I once felt are restored.
I am thankful for the love and support of others. I am also thankful for the opportunities to help others. I empathize so deeply for all those I have come in contact with through my healing journey.
I hope if you are struggling you can feel my prayers for you. There is absolute bravery in working hard to find the good in even the darkest and unfair times.
What are you thankful for this time of year even when things seem unjust?