I Believe In God

One of the questions I get asked a lot is..”How can you still believe in God when He abandoned you all these years by not letting you in on the truth?”
My therapist has said this may be a spiritual gift I have been given to have so much faith in God. But I really do feel like He never left my side. I know I was blessed for my spiritual efforts and prayers. I know that prayers may not be answered how or when I want but my prayers are always heard.
I know that I have always fought for Christ and that He also had to prove Himself to God. I know that when my confidence and faith in Christ increases my fears decrease.
I know that because of all trials in my life I have met people that have helped relieve my worries and given me strength. I know that I have also helped lift others burdens as we all try and seek light in our personal darkness. It has been my most vulnerable times that has brought me to my knees pleading with God to take away what I feel I can no longer carry.
I love knowing I have been blessed in adversity and have chosen to move forward and not backward. I love that I get to call upon angels from the other side to protectingly surround my home and assist my children and myself in our daily lives. And among them are my loved ones from the past, including my own mom and possibly my grandchildren yet to come. I envision that they are rooting us on.
I love the angels on Earth that are present in our lives everyday.
I love knowing that this life is better because I can feel pure joy in my knowledge and love from God even in my suffering. I know that free agency is one of the greatest gifts we have been given and something that we fought to have. I know that the choices of others has left me victimized me yet I still know that I am a daughter of God and He hurts for me and for my offender in the process of learning and growing.
Had I not been betrayed I would not have walked a rocky path to happiness. I know it takes time to walk it…but the reward is monumental!
@marnibown #betrayaltrauma #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #conferenceweekend #addiction #pornkillslove