I Feel Gods Light

In the early confusing times I spoke with a dear friend with a similar story that was years ahead of me for advice. Part of our conversation stuck with me because she told me that although it was the most devastating time in her life she had also never felt God closer. I could barely feel at the time and I could not even comprehend relating to her experience.
Now with time and perspective I wholeheartedly agree. I love my relationship I have with God. It is God that I turned to in my heavy trauma to feel understood, to alleviate the pain and relearn trust.
It is God that helped give me enough energy and focus to complete the basic needs especially in my responsibilities as a mom.
God turned the betrayals of his free agency and allowed me the opportunity to choose to walk away from my marriage to live a life I didn’t know could exist but He did. I am still blessed despite the consequences of his choices.
Because of the dark times I have deliberately sought after the light and can feel it warmer than before. I value love, trust, safety, honesty, hard work, partnership, communication, patience, laughter, choice, emotions, affection, relationships, family, friends, therapy, self care, blessings and my true self more than ever before.
It is God that has prepared a way for me to help others and have the courage to do so. Although I am still healing and understand it will be a lifelong process, I have never felt so much immediate inspiration while supporting and sharing. I have extra gratitude for God allowing us to be there for each other in His name. I know He still is there for me through others.
I hope this Christmas time we can use our prayers and service as a way to help bless those that need it most. May we be inspired how we can “bring joy to the sorrowful.”
Thank you for those that have ever prayed for my family or me. Thank you for those that listened and acted on promptings that were answers to my silent prayers. Thank you to the empathy and advice provided as we all travel through rocky times. Thank you for all the love and support in this journey we all are navigating with optimism and hope.
How do you feel God?