I Love Flowers

I have always absolutely loved flowers in every possible way.
Traditionally we give flowers to express love, make someone smile or even to celebrate an occasion. Or we give them to apologize, show sympathy or uplift someone.
I have so many memories in my life linked to the smells and sight of specific flowers. Some recollections linked to the scent bring me happiness and others remind me of losses. But without a doubt all memories bring joy to my soul and more recently the reminder of hope in a new beginning.
I was so thrilled the other day when I drove past a beautiful home displaying a sign saying “Free Flowers.” I am so thankful for a stranger that doesn’t even know what happiness it has added in my home by bringing a little bit of Gods love in the beauty that surrounds us. This made me think of how can I pay it forward when I can’t just reach out and give someone a big hug?
We have so many ways to communicate these days I encourage each of you to send a loving text, email or note in the mail letting those you love know how you feel. How can we be an answer to someone’s prayers today? How can we add a boost to someone that may be lonely or having difficulty with the new changes?
Lady Bird Johnson said “Where flowers bloom, there is hope.”