I Love Music

I absolutely LOVE music! Especially as a dancer it speaks to my whole body and soul. It is also one the strongest ways I feel the Spirit.
Today I was blessed to support my beautiful and talented friend @abbyelwoodmusic in a video to showcase a song she wrote called “More Hope.”
It was so powerful to be in a breathtaking setting with women that began as strangers and after the next few hours became sisters because of similar and different heartaches we have each endured and share.
Everyone has been through a lot of hard things and this inspired song reminds us that there is “more hope” in all our healing through Jesus Christ and eachother.
I can’t wait to share it with you!!! So amazing! I am also so thankful for these incredible friends I met through The White Lilac Foundation.
What are your favorite songs that help you heal?
#music #morehope #godscreations #lds #betrayaltrauma #emotionalabuse #healing #healingthroughmusic #strongwomen #abuse #divorce #infidelity #cancersurvivor #cancersucks #adoption #sickness