“It Will All Work Out”

Shortly after we separated I had a friend show up at my door with groceries for the kids, a shaker bottle and ingredients for me to drink and a gift bag that contained a wood block with the phrase “It will all work out -Gordon B. Hinckley.”
I was stunned because very few knew what had just unfolded over the holidays.
Apparently my youngest had told his friend and when he told his mom she acted without asking any questions. She believed her 8 year old and took a chance being spot on with exactly what I needed even though I was so embarrassed and weak.
She had been through it with a sister and was precise in necessities. I was too traumatized to think about the basics including cooking for my kids and I wasn’t eating much myself so groceries didn’t even cross my mind. She lovingly showed me how to make an easy healthy drink I could keep out and force myself to get calories at different parts in the day. But what I didn’t know at that time was the gift and what hope it would provide when my life was unraveling with so much uncertainty. I set it in a place to be seen often.
Now I can see exactly what it has meant at different stages as I have evolved in my new life. So many things, so many times, with so many miracles have worked out. To me it is proof that God is aware of me with what I need during what specific time as well.
I recently sat at dinner with my friend as we talked about all that is amazing in my life. Blessings and happiness that I never believed was possible are present. I love that the dark days are so far behind me that it is what I share to help other people but it is not where I live. I love seeing the progress and being reminded of that time with the lens of where I am at.
I remember a time I couldn’t see a way out of the trial I was in or how it could ever possibly work out for the better or good. But now I know and I appreciate what I have been through because I am able to help others. I am able to be empathetic and understanding. I am able to have more gratitude for feeling “normal” and to cherish relationships, love, trust and commitment.
What have you learned in trials?
#itwillallworkout #healing #betrayaltrauma #divorce