June Book Club

My June Book Club recommendation is “Mindful Games” by Susan Kaiser Greenland.
A dear friend that’s a therapist recommended this to me a few years before my discovery as a way to help my kids if they were ever struggling with anxiety. I’m thankful I began practicing it then to prepare us for what was to come.
During some of the early stages after my discovery my therapist worked a lot on mindfulness with me and this book resurfaced with several ideas geared towards me.
As a dancer I am very in tune with my body, the energy around me and the power in imagery. I found my mind became my enemy as it would confuse and distract me so often with his lies, betrayals and me trying to still make sense of my new life. I had to catch myself in these moments and purposely choose my breathing anchor as a way to relax and focus on the present moment. I had to place my hand over my heart and tap it to help me calm my breathing and refocus on what I loved and was right in front of me. If I was able I would walk barefoot outside to become aware of what was happening in the moment.
Thankfully I am beyond those darkest days now but I still have unexpected triggers and repeat the same concepts to pull me into my present and the gratitude I feel for where I am now. I can move through it quicker now too.
I still work hard on being prepared on what to do when I feel an emotion pop up. I try to allow myself to feel it but stop it before it starts pulling me down in a negative unnecessary spiral. I become present and more mindful.
What ways have you found mindfulness helpful in your life?