Let It Go!

(Photo taken from popsugar.com and part of Disney.com)
In the hype of “Frozen” I think we all got to the point where we just couldn’t quite take the song “Let It Go” not one more time. Yet I found myself silently singing it to myself often as things would happen, especially failures as a mom, that I needed to do just that…let it go!! As if I was singing it to give myself permission for the mistakes I made for the day and needed to hit my daily reset button at night and be glad that the sun will come up and a new fresh day would appear with better potential choices and options.
In my new life I have been able to celebrate some of what we have had to let go. That because of what was once a huge priority has now diminished to survival or had to become less of a priority. And what I am learning is that not only is it totally okay but sometimes the outcome is even better because there was so much less stress and energy involved too.
My kids were recently involved in a program where in the past I made sure their shirts and pants were pressed perfectly, they matched so that everyone could identify them as siblings in a large group, hair was set neatly with product and we practiced each day previous to make sure they had their parts memorized. This has been going on for over a decade!! This year I asked them to make sure to try and find something to match as they got dressed in their clothes minutes before we had to leave. My youngest did his super slick comb over that was less than perfect hair with a lot of product. As we sat down I realized I hadn’t even asked them about their part they had to say and was hoping they even remembered it from the practice a week before. And the best part was the result happened just the same but was even more enjoyable. And as I watched all these cute kids in their program performing and singing their hearts out, even though they didn’t know the words, I felt Gods love for me even stronger because I want to be like a child having faith like crazy believing in Christ. One boy actually said he knew God loved him because he used money he saved up to buy his mom a birthday present instead of buying himself a snake. I want to know God loves me for little thoughts and advices like that. I want to be fearless and sing my guts out in a group, even though I don’t know the words.
For the first time as I recognized the peace that I felt sitting, listening and watching I said to myself “I have actually learned to just let it go and I am happy!

(Photo taken from nelaindah.com)