Book Club: “Like Dragons Did They Fight”

My September Book Club recommendation is “Like Dragons Did They Fight: The Sons of Helaman Methods of Fighting Sexual Addictions and Other Psychological, Spiritual, Emotional and Bio-chemical Battles” by Maurice W. Harker and Lucas J. Reynolds.
“This book bravely bridges the gap between the Spiritual and the Temporal (physical) factors of addiction and addictions recovery.”
I have personally talked with Maurice Harker as he has counseled me while I navigate new hard decisions in my own recovery and he is so wise. I have participated in the WORTH Group for divorced women that were married to porn and/or sex addicts. I have completed the Eternal Warriors course as well.
I am a huge advocate and support for all their programs including: Sons of Helaman (for young men wanting to overcome pornography challenges)
Daughters of Light (young women masking behavioral concerns)
WORTH Group (free support for married and divorced women experiencing betrayal trauma)
Men of Moroni (Pornography Addiction Recovery for LDS Men)
Sons of Sacrifice (brotherhood of GTBQ)
Drug/Alcohol Recovery Group
Mothers Who Know (Mom support group for children struggling with pornography)
Eternal Warriors (Classes to Achieve Self Mastery)
I also love that they have resources specific to Bishops. I have had several members of bishoprics and Stake Presidencies reach out to me that want to educate themselves as they counsel about this epidemic and how to get the right resources and support to everyone that needs it.
You can get a free copy of the book by going to: On the website they also have a link to the classes they offer and other resources as well.
@marnibown #betrayaltrauma #sexaddictionrecovery #pornaddictionisreal #lifechangingservices #menofmoroni #sonsofhelaman #daughtersoflight #motherswhoknow #likedragonsdidtheyfight #worthgroup