Lions and Hyenas
I recently saw a video of a lion stuck being attacked by 20 hyenas. Although he was trapped fighting for his life, all it took was another lion to show up. The odds changed drastically making the pair too much for the many attackers.
I have participated on many teams throughout my life. Through hard work, blood, sweat, laughter and tears we have lost and won together. I know I am a strong woman but I also know I am stronger when I stand with others. The adversary wants to isolate us and make us feel alone. To feel like we have to do it in our own because no one could possibly understand. But I know that a lot of my prayers are answered through others and I couldn’t do this alone. I know I have a strong team in family and friends. Even in books, podcasts, therapy and music. I know that if Satan can take out a mom he can take out a whole family.
I am so blessed to be a part of an amazing team of women called WORTH that what brought us together is our trauma. They have understood and helped me. They have inspired and cried with me. A year ago I didn’t know they existed and barely knew what betrayal trauma was. Now they are a part of my foundation and as we have joined forces together and stand shoulder to shoulder we are better moms, sisters, friends and people.
I encourage you to make a list of 100 team members you have. It can be inspirational people, authors and artists too. How does their strength help you and how can you contribute to your team? Brene Brown even said “We don’t have to do it alone. We were never meant to.”
I am thankful for having the ultimate teammate in Christ. He loves me unconditionally and continues to introduce me to new teammates that help develop my talents and are a blessing to my life. One team…One dream! Who is on your team?

Lion attacked by Clan of Hyenas: