Living Forward

Today I am so overwhelmed with gratitude for those in my past and present life.
I love that the windshield is bigger so we can have a larger perspective of where we are headed and I love the quality of the rear view mirror and its cability to allow us to reflect on what’s also behind. I know that if I focus only on the past it halts my ability to travel forward but I value my ability to see my full timeline of life and how far I have come, especially after experiencing such deep betrayal trauma.
I recently had a conversation with someone that was there for me in the beginning and through some of my darkest intimate times after my D-day. I often refer to my younger self as a reference of truth but I got to recall the person I was at that time and the truth in knowing who I am and what I stand for.
I have been fortunate to serve with many remarkable women, men, youth and children throughout my life. I have been blessed by others serving my family and me. I am thankful that God puts people in our lives for a specific purpose if we take the time to recognize how that is.
I know I still have a lot of healing to do especially in how I see myself but I also know this will probably be a lifelong work in progress too.
I believe one day we will get to see a movie of our life with all the truth it holds. I look forward to revisiting all the cherished memories I want to forever remember or have sadly even forgotten. Also, to see the hand of God and his involvement where I wasn’t able to see or know.
Thank you to all those that have impacted me in my past, are currently in my life and to those I haven’t even met yet. I am the person I am because of it!! What is your focus? Are you able to be mindful and enjoy exactly where you are right now in your life?
#betrayaltrauma #healing #service #rearviewmirror #butterfly #addiction #divorce #emotionalabuse #hope #faith #charity