Major Milestones

Yesterday I recognized a major milestone I have reached and it made me celebrate what progress I have made.
I was with a dear friend that has been there since before we knew the truth, through the thick of it and every day since. I know I can always count on her to be there for me in whatever capacity I need no matter what!
I remember before my discovery when my life was overwhelmingly occupied at times filled with kids, friends, school, PTA, activities, church service and the craziness and excitement of the holidays. All good things just busy.
After my major discovery on Christmas suddenly my time was replaced with shock, hurt, nightmares, heartache, surviving, betrayal, anger, crying, bargaining, devastation, emotional disconnect, triggers, truth about my marriage and him, divorce, and learning a whole new life and vocabulary about addiction.
But on the flip side there also came overwhelming love, support, healing, courage, help, patience, growth, hugs, service, empathy, coaching, empowerment, beauty, vulnerability, strength, loyalty, trust, knowledge, happiness, an awareness of God, a better understanding of the Atonement and pure JOY.
I was so delighted when we were talking about life and I suddenly realized my response was life is busy but filled with all good things again. I wasn’t distracted but instead have found my new life to be even more enjoyable than I could have ever imagined. My learning and growth have made me who I am now and I wouldn’t change it. I actually even admitted to another friend yesterday that I would do it all again to be where I am now. I love that I am to that place.
I also love that she recently shared this quote by Victor Hugo because everyone has hard things. We can’t compare or diminish what is laborious for us. God knows everyone and with “the great sorrows of life…and the small ones” we grow and He molds us into what He wants us to become if we let Him.
So…”go to sleep in peace. God is awake.”
#victorhugo #godisawake #godisaware #betrayaltrauma #healing #divorce #addiction #triggers #discoveryday #hope #joy #healing