I am MARNI BOWN, CLC. I felt strongly to share my story early on in my discovery and healing process. The more I learned the more I wanted to give back and support someone else that may be desperate for answers like I once was. I wanted to be a link in the recovering women and men in front of me and hopefully now just behind me.
The butterfly became a symbol to me before I knew the truth because of the representation of the growth, change, endurance, hope, life and resurrection. It reminded me also of God and His creations and how I feel He is present and supportive in our individual improvement and journey of something that we can become to be more beautiful and unique than we could ever know we could create.
I am so proud to debut my logo for my new journey as a Life Coach. I picked the color blue because of its representation of human trafficking and the dark world I dove in after my biggest D-day. I chose mosaic wings that represent my shattered life in betrayal trauma. The left wing is broken with separated spaces symbolic to the new discovery. The right wing shows the refined artistry of my healing process.
When I started sharing I didn’t even know where to start so I went through Facebook and Instagram under my name Marni Bown. I didn’t know what this would become or the positive impact it would have on so many. Now Marni Bown is my brand as I have the honor of helping others have a voice and hopefully find faith and hope in healing.
Thank you to all that have supported me through all spaces of my own healing and sharing my story so I can help others. I have been so blessed and look forward for what is still yet to come.
Click on this link for a free 25 minute session to see if I can help you as a Life Coach.
I’m looking forward to continuing in helping others Learn to FLY!
#marnibown #lifecoach #betrayaltraumarecovery #healing #grief #selfcare #addiction #divorce #marriagerecovery #ptsd #emotionalabuse #boundaries #darvo #emotionalhealth #healingwithworth #supportgroup #lds #selfcompassion #lifechangingservices #healing #pornkillslove #betrayaltrauma #cerifiedlifecoach #butterfly #rebirth #change #endurance