More Hope

As a teenager I lost my mom to cancer but I now know my Savior is there for all my heartaches.
This knowledge helped prepare me for the varying challenges and trials I have faced in my life. This especially includes the abrupt and shocking change in my life when I found his work phone a few years ago.
I am thankful for the foundation of HOPE that my moms death created for me. I still fight to find and feel HOPE everyday and when I really look around I see it everywhere. I see it in my children, family, friends and even strangers. I hear others stories and often it is the HOPE in God that He knows us better than ourselves and will never leave our side that helps us get through it all.
What moment in your life has forced you to have MORE HOPE than you ever believed was possible?
I encourage you to also share your experience and use #morehopemovement as a way to help spread MORE HOPE to eachother. Copy and paste this inspirational song and video by the talented @abbyelwoodmusic to view her video “MORE HOPE.”
#morehopemovement #whitelilacfoundation #cancersucks #divorce #addiction #hope #healing #betrayaltrauma