Mother Eve And Mary

Lately for Christmas Eve I have shared with my children how the birth of Jesus Christ may have been experienced from a less talked about perspective. This year it is from Mother Eve.
My dear friend shared this painting with me “Mary Comforts Eve” by Grace Remington. I empathize with Eve as she bows her head in sorrow possibly feeling she has made a huge mistake or a lot of them for that matter. She clutches onto the forbidden fruit almost as a memento of not being able to let go or forgive herself for the errors she has made. The serpent is still tightly wrapped around her leg but Mary has her foot on his head as a reminder in Genesis 3:15 “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
I love how Mary lovingly cups Eves face and holds her hand to the hope she knows she carries in her belly. Christ is present with them and will come to save us all. Eve doesn’t have to be imprisoned forever, especially as temptation is still surrounding her symbolic in the picture.
I personally feel a connection to comfort to know it had to be done. Had Eve not partaken of the fruit there would not have been a need for a Savior or the baby Christ child Mary got to carry.
Tonight I choose to have faith in Gods plan and His purpose for me. I love that I have my children. I love the new people in my life and being able to value the old ones that have stayed. I love the goodness I have seen in others. I love feeling strength from prayers. I love seeing resiliency and strength I never knew was possible. I love the opportunity I have been given to reawaken and help drive my desire to follow Christ. I love serving and helping others. I love seeing my own personal progress as I heal. I love who I am and where I am going even if I don’t even know exactly where that is. I know God does and all I have to do is be willing.
So although times in our life can be disappointing, hopefully with perspective and hope we can see the silver lining in it all. We have a Savior because we ALL need Him! It’s how it was always meant to be.
#merrychristmas #mothereve #merrychristmaseve2020