My Angel Mom

My Angel Mother represents the perfect example of Christlike love to me. She was an athletic, creative and driven woman that accomplished so much in her short life. She didn’t know she would die young but she lived her life to the fullest making a positive impact along the way.
I never doubted she loved me unconditionally no matter the decisions I chose to make. Instead she was understanding, forgiving compassionate and tolerant. As a mother she was patient, unselfish, gentle, organized, prepared, helpful and peaceful. I saw her offer service graciously and often. She loved those she would teach and she was deliberate in her choices to be obedient. I have very vivid memories of watching her study to be more knowledgeable or praying to even be grateful for even her challenges at times. I also saw her make, keep and excel in her goals. She was fun and non-judge mental and you knew you were important. You couldn’t help but feel her cheerful and contagious love of life when you were with her.
Watching her be sick I saw how brave, faithful and her willingness to endure the long suffering until the end.
Something I admire the most about her is when she was diagnosed with cancer and her busy life as she knew was changed forever she didn’t need to alter anything about who she was or how she was living. Life just went on with a different focus of importance. School, activities, schedules and daily tasks faded in the background. Family and her relationship with God became the daily focus and drive instead.
I love and miss her so much. I am also thankful I am blessed to call her my mom knowing she taught me so much about how to live and love like Christ.
I know she would say she was doing the best she could at the time and as an outside observer I want to emulate how she lived. Because then I also know by being like her I am also working towards being like Christ.
#lighttheworld #angelmom #cancersucks #christlikelove