My Circle of Trust

Have you ever craved being able to just blend back in to your daily life?
After the truth came out publicly I was mortified and relieved.
I was so ashamed and embarrassed he had chosen what he did but I appreciated people finding out without me having to say over and over again what really was happening. Because of that we started to receive service accompanied with feeling love and strength from others prayers.
On the flip side I would also get the sad looks and head tilted stares when I would go out. I knew people didn’t know what to say yet I appreciated anytime someone would say anything or say nothing accompanied with a hug.
At times there was no control in the questions and places I would get asked them. I really had to learn to set firm boundaries fast about how much I shared with who, when and where. I quickly learned to recognize those that really were concerned and those that just wanted to be in on the information.
In time I noticed I had more strength personally because I had been connected to those that knew what betrayal trauma was because they had been there too. They became my circle I felt safe sharing my details and I knew they also understood.
Do you need someone in your circle that understands when you feel like nobody else does?
I would love to hear your story because I get it. I have been there before.
Click on the link to schedule a free 25 min Zoom call to make an appointment. You can also visit or email me at if one of the times listed doesn’t work for you.
You are not alone!