My Freedoms Being Remarried

I love some of my freedoms I feel from being remarried.
I feel freedom in knowing and sharing our finances. I love knowing Mark is genuinely working hard for our family and deliberately choosing us. I feel freedom in crying and having my feelings validated. I feel freedom in knowing I am loveable and worth being a priority. I feel freedom in feeling physically attractive and worth sharing affection with. I feel freedom in knowing I am fun. We love to laugh. I feel freedom in exercising and sharing healthy goals with him. I feel freedom in our communication and that my thoughts and feelings are valuable. I feel freedom in us both striving to keep our home a safe and supportive space. I love how present he is. I feel freedom in knowing I feel physically, emotionally and spiritually protected and shielded by him. I feel freedom in knowing I am worth buying flowers or gifts for. I feel freedom in having him support me in my goals. His encouragement with my ability to be driven has presented opportunities that I never knew was possible. I feel freedom in traveling with him in ways that we are so similar. I feel freedom in knowing Mark wants to work with and for me. I feel freedom in my capacity to love being deeper for him and reaching all our children.
I feel freedom in trusting only in relationships that have earned it. I feel freedom in knowing my role as a mom is what my kids need right now, even with my weaknesses. I feel freedom in knowing I am a daughter of God and although I’m not perfect I can be through the Atonement. I feel freedom in knowing I gave everything to my first marriage and although I made mistakes I didn’t deserve the consequences of his poor choices. I feel freedom in my forced divorce that has offered me more growth and joy than I ever thought was possible. I feel freedom in being able to choose the rest of my story.
Thank you Mark for choosing me and proving to me that THIS is a family and partnership. THIS is how it was always meant to be.
What freedoms have you found in divorce or remarriage?
Happy July 4th!