My Plan A

I love the perspective a dear friend shared recently that instead of believing we are living with Plan B or even farther down the alphabet, that we are actually living the Plan A that God has always intended us to live.
I have thought often about my life being so different than I had planned, hoped and dreamed. But it truly has been my most difficult times that have brought me closer to my Savior and it’s the new paths I didn’t intend to take that have taken me to some of the most amazing parts of my life. I get to have more gratitude and value so much more because of my hardest climbs that have given me a new lens.
There is no doubt that God is absolutely aware of each of us individually. He will put the experiences and people we need in our path for us to grow and learn so He can help us become what we are ultimately supposed to be.
I do believe that one day we will get to understand clearly why things are they way they are and at that time everything will make perfect sense.
So today I accept that I am still living my Plan A because this is how it was always meant to be. And it’s better than I could have ever planned, hoped and dreamed.
What growth have you experienced in your life because of hardships?