My Testimony Of Christ

This picture “Jesus the Christ”, by Del Parson is the one that really solidified my testimony of the Savior.
I was a young teenager at Especially For Youth, a youth camp for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was enjoying the social and fun of the camp and the many classes but attended ones geared more towards fun more than spiritual.
That summer I had really started to ask myself what I really believed in. I didn’t take the time to really pray about this but just a thought that floated around in my mind and heart.
At the end of the week during a devotional in a tiny dorm room with my girls group and leader, this picture was brought out and held up.
I immediately started to cry as I gazed at it. I couldn’t hear any words being spoken but every sense in my body was on fire. I was confused at where the tears were coming from and why I couldn’t stop. I was hyper focused on the face of the Savior and it was as if He was there with me face to face. The warmth, love, kindness and understanding I felt in those few moments are indescribable with words. In my mind I knew I had always known who Christ is. As if any and all questions were answered that quickly.
This moment changed my life forever. I can never doubt this experience and all that happened. It has been a springboard for me to have the courage to do hard things when I didn’t think I was capable. It has solidified the beginning of my testimony that Jesus is the Christ and He loves me for me.
Many experiences since have continued to build that testimony for me and it’s usually through my hardships I am reminded about Him.
I love this time of year and talking so consistently about the birth and life of Jesus Christ. He is my friend, brother and Redeemer.
I have heard that when we share our testimony of Christ that sometimes it can be a reminder to others of their time with Him.
How has the Savior influenced you personally? Do have experiences that give you no doubt He is there for you and loves you?
My prayer this holiday season is that we can each take time to feel Him. He is there for us always. Sometimes we need to find Him or let Him in.
#jesus #savior #LightTheWorld #lds