My Valentine

After my divorce I was so frustrated with myself and embarrassed that I kept fighting for someone that didn’t love or choose me. I felt so disposable but because I loved him with all that I was I still kept putting myself back in unhealthy situations for him to keep not wanting me. I did this even knowing that the person I now knew who he was, I would never even go on a first date with. It was so confusing.
Now I love that I did and this is who I am. I believe we should fight for our spouse and family and be willing to work hard for and with each other. And that’s a big difference I now recognize and feel.
I love being married to Mark and feeling the contrast in someone making choices to build our relationship, not destroy it. I love feeling valued, seen, cherished, loved, cared for, listened to and appreciated.
I knew it would take a special person and circumstance for me to be vulnerable to love again the way I knew I wanted in a marriage. Trust and consistency are just some of what I needed. I love that I can trust showing him all that I am, even with my imperfections, and he loves me still. In most cases he actually loves me more. The way I have always known how I love is being reciprocated back to me.
Now I get it, because love really is powerful!!!
Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone because you are ALL loved!!!! Don’t let someone not choosing you define your capacity to love or be loved. Instead find it as an opportunity to put your energy and the good that you are to someone that deserves it.
How did you learn to love again?
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