Patience in Healing

I finally completed a two year physical injury journey. It started with a broken ankle that never healed and required surgery six months later. A year later I had the hardware taken out and then weeks later I sprained my MCL and tore my meniscus. Luckily this summer.
I was able to finally complete my physical therapy bringing my body back to almost full health. remember a moment of wishing so badly I could just jump up, walk or even run like I used to. The option seemed so impossible and frustrating. Now the gratitude I feel for my body and those that supported me along the way with their expertise and encouragement is overwhelming.
In the midst of those injuries also became a timeline of God halting my life to help me see it for what it was. My soul was fighting back and the emotional toll of his dishonesty and betrayal effected me physically and delayed my ability to heal.
I love that with my injury journey I also celebrate a success in navigating my new life.
I remember early on hearing the patience I needed to have for myself in healing from my trauma was a lot like an injury. I just didn’t know if I had a broken bone that would heal quickly, never heal, needed surgery or if I in fact ended up having cancer that required many years of treatments and relapses.
Some of my trauma I have been able to deal with quickly…other things like trust will most likely always be wounded. I may never have the ability to fully trust my partner ever again, no matter how many times they have added to their bank account of trust.
And similar to my injury I can’t will myself to heal. Instead I have had to submit to the patience of the healing process. This includes also allowing the Savior to heal me as well. I have struggled in the past with the Lords timeline but I have learned to be more patient.
I remember how good I felt when I accepted the diagnosis of betrayal trauma. Now I knew what the problem is and how I can work on it. Before I was lost, confused and didn’t feel good. Instead of focusing on his choices and deceptions I choose to fight to fix myself and be patient on my healing in Gods time.
I can see it now, I feel it and I know God works miracles!
What miracles have you seen in your life after being patient in the healing process?