Perfection In Our Imperfections

One morning after making pancake batter I went downstairs to get additional items for the meal and became distracted by other tasks. Soon I was reminded of my original idea of making breakfast when I could smell the baking of pancakes.
I came upstairs and saw my youngest proudly pouring and making them. His response to me was “Don’t they look perfect Mom?” My heart melted as I saw the distorted and partially burnt pancakes from his eyes of perfection. I couldn’t help but respond “Yes..they are absolutely perfect!”
To me they were flawless because I knew how proud he was for helping me make breakfast all by himself. With that he wanted to show me he cared and loved me. He wanted to serve me. He took a risk to make them the way he had seen me do so many times but without any assistance at all. It was his idea and his surprise and he was so proud and so was I.
This moment reminded me of the importance of seeing things like a child. Sometimes I talk myself out of serving or reaching out to others because I don’t know how they will see it or how it will be received. Yet I can’t recall a time ever in my life that someone reaching out and serving me in whatever capacity they are capable is appreciated and complete.
I know sometimes I don’t know the right things to say to someone going through hard times. But I have chosen it’s better to do or say something than nothing. And that my defect of not knowing exactly how to do things but still trying is exactly what someone may need in their own impeccable way.
I pray to know how I can help those that might need it or that I may be an answer to someone else’s prayer. And that my new perspective from my personal experiences and what I have been through can be an avenue of hope to someone else. I choose to help others not because I have all the answers or even because I know everything. I am not an expert and I am still learning so much myself. I want everyone to know that the way God sees us is perfection in our imperfections. Just like He sees me. And just like my son and I see his cute little pancakes.
#betrayaltrauma #perfectionism #patience #divorce #likeachild #service #love #healing