Porn Kills Love
I just got my “Porn Kills Love” shirt in the mail from Fight the New Drug ( and I am so happy to support and represent their anti-porn campaign. I believe we were not prepared for the internet and the epidemic it has created with pornography. After only a year into our marriage I found porn on our computer and I was devastated. I felt cheated on because I didn’t understand why he needed to be seeing something else when he had me! I felt insecure that I wasn’t enough to look at or be with and I was so hurt. I was told that men are visual, he was curious and this was so normal. And as much I absolutely agree that men are visual I knew it wasn’t right and I didn’t want to just accept it because of that.
Through sharing I have come in contact with girls, women and men talking about the difficulty in dating and finding someone that isn’t in to porn. Unfortunately society has convinced us, especially our youth, that porn consumption is totally healthy and normal. Yet I have heard devastating stories of teens being physical beyond their comfort levels even leading to rape because they wanted to prevent the porn use of their partner. That if they didn’t cooperate in their relationship physically then their partner would turn to porn. What a heavy and abusive situation our youth are experiencing so often. Since when did sending inappropriate pictures become what’s normal yet some how society has made us believe that’s what you do when you are in a relationship or for anyone really. That we set porn as a standard where we compromise our own values to keep up with society.
Since all of us have contact with porn in our lives as we are dating the questions to ask are..
”What are your experiences with porn?”
Are they defensive and seem like they are hiding it?
Do they minimize it?
Are they honest in other situations or do they seek to diminish the truth or seriousness of things.
“How recent and are they actively involved?”
“When was the last time and how frequent do they consume?”
“What strategies they use to stay away and was it an addiction?”
We are no longer looking for no porn but what their experiences are with porn. I love this website and all the encouragement, resources and encouragement. Pornography consumption absolutely effects the brain, heart and has moved into the world we live in everyday. Join the fight against porn. Porn Kills Love!!
The link to the website: